In one conversation, one reader of my blog asked, what’s the most popular VUL product of Sun Life?
I reiterated the question if she meant by most popular is the same as best selling and she said yes. I simply told her Sun Maxilink Prime and she asked why. Let me share the details why Sun Maxilink Prime is the best selling VUL of Sun Life.
For starters, Sun Maxilink Prime is a VUL. When we say VUL, it means Variable Unit-Linked insurance (some may say Variable Universal Life).
As with any VUL plans, it’s an Insurance with Investment component.
Basically, it’s a Term Insurance + Mutual funds combined into one product. In essence, it follows the “Buy Term, Invest the Difference” concept without the hassle of monitoring and doing the investments yourself.
Check the video of Pesos and Sense for a better understanding of VUL.
Sun Maxilink Prime
Sun MaxiLink Prime is a variable life insurance plan that provides financial protection PLUS a potential source of savings that can fund future needs like retirement income through its investment earnings. There are different funds to choose from where your premium payments will be invested in. These funds are managed actively and prudently by our top-notch investment professionals. Sun MaxiLink Prime is payable for at least 10 years*.
* The premium paying period is not guaranteed. You may be required to pay additional premiums after 10 years if the fund value is insufficient to pay charges.
How Does Sun Maxilink Prime Works
As we mentioned, Sun Maxilink Prime is a combination of Term Insurance and Mutual Funds and it follows the concept of “Buy Term Invest the Difference Concept”. So in reality, part of the payment pays for the insurance, and part is invested in a mutual fund-like investment.
You can actually choose where the investment part should go. This will depend on your investment goal, risk profile and investment horizon. You can choose either Bonds, Equity, Balanced, Index, GS or any variation of MyFuture Funds (2025, 2030, 2035, 2040). And since this is at least 10 years paying plan, your investment goal must be at least 10 years also.
Which one should you choose? As with any investment goal, the higher the risk, the higher the returns. Bonds are less risky as it is invested in government securities. Equity Funds are invested in the stock market. Balanced Fund is a combination of bonds and equity, so the risk is moderate.
Since the investment component should be viewed as long term investment, I normally recommend either MyFuture Funds or Index Funds.
How Much is Sun Maxilink Prime?
The cost of Sun Maxilink Prime greatly depends on your desired insurance coverage and your current age. Normally, the quotation will reflect Benefit Amount. The death benefit is actually 200% of the benefit amount so for a P350,000 benefit amount, the insurance coverage is P700,000.
The minimum available plan for Sun Maxilink Prime is P350,000 benefit amount or an insurance coverage is P700,000. Meaning, in case of death of the insured, P700,000 will be the amount your beneficiaries will receive.
How much is that? For a 20 year old male non smoker, that’s around P19,000 per year or something like P1,600 per month. For a 30 year old male, around P21,000- P22,000 per year or P1,800 per month.
Most likely, you’d want a bigger insurance coverage especially if you’re the breadwinner of the family or you have people depending on your income. Say you want a P2 Million insurance coverage, how much will that be?
Male 30 years old, non smoker with an insurance coverage of P2 Million – around P60,000 per year or P5,000 per month. Female 30 years old, non smoker – around P55,000 per year or P4,600 per month.
Solutions for 2 Problems
Since Sun Maxilink Prime is an insurance with investments, it actually solves 2 problems or life’s risks. One is “What if I die too young”? And the other one is “What if I live too long”?
Let’s make a sample proposal and see how it can be a solution to those 2 problems.
Juan (male, 30 years old, non smoker) getting an insurance coverage of P2 Million.
Payment is P5,000 monthly or P60,000 yearly for 10 years. Total payment in 10 years is P600,000.
“What if I die too young”? Problem
- In case of death (any time as long as the policy is in-forced), beneficiaries will get P2 Million.
- In case death is caused by accident, beneficiaries will receive a total of P3Million (additional 1Million)
- In case of total disablement while paying, payment is waived during that period
In a way, my income is replaced immediately by P2 Million. That way, my family can continuously live on the same lifestyle for a certain period of time.
“What if I live too long”? Problem
- If for example, I want to retire at age 50 (20 years after), the total fund value that I can withdraw can range from P1.39 Million (8%) to P1.86 Million (10%) or even more
- Or, in case I want to delay my retirement to age 65 (35 years after), the total fund value that I can withdraw can range from P4.19 Million (8%) to P7.54 Million (10%) or even more.
Of course, you want bigger retirement plan, you simply need to increase your monthly investments. Maybe you can afford to invest P10,000 a month or P15,000 a month? If you can, then more likely, your insurance coverage and retirement fund can also increase in value.
Win win solution di ba? Walang sayang, walang tapon.
Why is Sun Maxilink Prime the Best Selling VUL of Sun Life?
Because of it’s features between the balance of dying too young (insurance coverage) and living too long (retirement benefit). No other plans in the market have its unique features of such balance. Other products might be maximizing on the insurance with little investment component or might maximize the investment component but sacrificing the insurance coverage.
I personally tried comparing Sun Maxilink Prime with other Sun Life insurance products as well as other companies VUL products and so far, I can say that this is the best value for money insurance plan.
Get a FREE Sun Maxilink Prime Quotation NOW!
Interested? Request a FREE proposal now! But before you request for a proposal, you should know first How Much Life Insurance You Really Need – [read here].
Or in case you’d like to set an appointment, all you need to do is send me a text or call at 0922 897 8077 / 0916 414 7400.

Garry De Castro is a personal finance advocate, Financial Advisor, Certified Investment Solicitor (Mutual Fund Representative), investor, stock market trader, blogger, and IT practitioner. He started sharing and writing financial articles 2008 just to share his financial learnings to friends, relatives and anyone who wishes to be financially independent.
Hello, been reading your blog,
Kaming mag asawa are interested in getting the Maxilink Prime.
Now we are so wondering, ano ba ang mas ok para sa anak namin? she’s only 7.
life insurance? or investment? which one is mas ok?
maybe you can help us out.
Hi Pau, the best answer to your question is “what’s your purpose or objective in getting insurance for your child”? If it’s for future fund use, VUL is a good option. Or better yet, mas ok if more on health..
Hello Garry,
I’d like to ask if after 10 Yrs of completed payments and there’s a sudden need of cash (eg. on the 15th yr). Can i withdraw the invested amount? but i like the insurance side to still be inforce is this possible with maxilink prime?
Hi JC. Re: can you withdraw, yes that’s possible and allowed. However, please note that if you withdraw the full amount of the fund value, the policy will automatically terminate. So best to leave some value if you still want to be insured even after withdrawing some funds.
26 years old female and 31 yrs old male for 700k each, both non-smokers..thank you
Email sent Mam Geneva.
Does the SunLife MaxiLink Prime come with a Premium holiday too? Or do you stop paying after 10 years but your insurance will still be active until your retirement age?
Hi Raz, Sun Maxilink Prime was designed na after 10 years payment, on normal market conditions, no need to pay and it can survive up to retirement age. But always remember, all VUL are not guaranteed.
I’d like to ask why there’s a benefit amount and why the coverage amount is 200% of it? What’s the basis of the benefit amount? what is it used for?
bakit hindi nalang derechong death coverage amount?
Thank you
Hi Mark, if my memory serves me right, using this scheme, charges are minimized so benefit goes to the clients. Less charges, more value for us clients.
Could you please, kindly send me a quotation for 26 years old female, and 28 years old male for 700k and 500k each. Your reply is highly appreciated. Thanks
Hi Ms. Jennifer, your proposal is on it’s way! Looking forward to personally assist you in your financial journey!